• Hold down the option key when choosing the “Process a TEXT File…” or “Browse TEXT File…” menu item to access any file.
• Hold down the shift key when choosing the “Process a File…” menu item to repeatedly display the file picker and process the chosen file until the “Cancel” button is selected or processing is aborted.
• Hold down the option key when selecting a file to process to automatically name and place the output file in the same folder. Be aware that if a file with the same name as the output file already exists in the folder, it will be overwritten with no warning.
• Make the most commonly used settings the default values by choosing “Save as Default,” and/or save them as separate files. Opening a settings file launches A/S, loading the values contained in that file.
• To process many files using EXACTLY the same settings, move all files to be manipulated into a folder and process that folder.
• Consider processing a file 2 or more times (with different settings) to achieve the desired effect.